Friday 30 September 2011

After Effects

The arrival of new macs in the media studies was accompanied by the arrival of the entire adobe suite. With this came After Effects, and as a class we have become determined to learn the software in order to make moving image idents for better marks in the thriller brief.

In my own time I have also paid regular visits to Video Copilot, a website with over 100 After Effects tutorials. After watching the basics and few select specific tutorials on how to use particles, I have made two videos and uploaded them to youtube; the first is my created ident, which is above - the second is an imitation of the smoke monster from the tv show LOST. 
The particle tunnel I built in After Effects - the Camera, as  a wireframe box in the bottom right, flies through a particle tunnel and past the ident whilst spinning to give the illusion of a moving starfeild.

Wednesday 28 September 2011


Over the last week, the first practicle work of our media A Level is to produce magasine covers and contents page - so here's my cover and contents.