Saturday 10 March 2012


The previous Tuesday our media class had an outing to RichMix centre in London for a day of presentations primarily aimed at helping our exam, however many elements became useful for Gaia's Army. 

After the morning which was entirely exam based, an episode from Sherlock was screened followed by a lengthy Q&A session with the presenter (top-dog-of-OCR-Media-A level) Pete Fraser and the editor of Sherlock, Charlie Philips. 

The afternoon enlightened my eyes to the professional editing process - for example the understanding of offline and online editing, when the music becomes involved and how long it takes to edit an episode of Sherlock, which was a shocking four months per episode... however given the episodes are basically short films, this speed is actually impressively quick.

After the presentations, I walked down to the Q&A area where Charlie was packing up and struck up a brief but potentially very useful conversation; asking for his contact details, I plan to email him soon of the behalf of Louis and myself asking if he would be able to find the time to watch Gaia's Army online and perhaps leave some feedback. With a job like his, it's a long shot but we think it's worth the try.

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